IC4F – Industrial Communication for Factories
brown-iposs is currently developing – within the frame of research project IC4F, which is funded by German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy – a system for monitoring and analysis of radio systems in factories. The system is developed to providing transparency on radio system’s health. In case of troubles root causes are analyzed and even for complex errors solution strategies are offered. It is supporting the lead of production or the machine worker, who might not have a special knowledge of radio and IT-systems. Therefore, a realization as an “easy to use tool” is important – perhaps as an APP on a tablet or a tool on the notebook/computer.

Easy to use and safe monitoring, analysis and trouble shooting of industrial radio networks as a part of the IC4F program – that’s our ambition. After analysis of the demands of such existing radio networks, brown-iposs is starting the implementation of the system. The testing of the first prototype will be done by brown-iposs as well – together with one or more selected partners.

The system is based on a powerful backend system, which holds and analyses the data from the RF field in the factory. Based on this data analysis it suggests solutions for identified issues. Results are provided to the user by an APP on a tablet or notebook/computer.
Partners of IC4F
The IC4F – consortium compounds of the following partners:
- Fraunhofer HHI (Heinrich Hertz Institut)
- Fraunhofer IIS (Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen)
- Robert Bosch GmbH
- Deutsche Telekom AG
- Gesellschaft für Produktionssysteme GmbH
- brown-iposs GmbH
- Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH & Co KG
- rt-solutions.de GmbH
- Schindler Fenster + Fassaden GmbH
- Siemens AG
- Technische Universität Berlin
- Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
- Universität Stuttgart
Further links
- http://www.ic4f.de
- https://www.hhi.fraunhofer.de/en/press-media/news/news-archive/2017/2017/project-start-industrial-communication-for-factories-ic4f.html
- https://industrie40.vdma.org/documents/4214230/21847469/IC4F_1510146179576.pdf/c945d538-5e07-41b3-ad33-381a781539e8
Industrial Communication for Factories (IC4F) – Construction Kit for a trustworthy industrially communication- and computing infrastructure in the processing industry was a research projects in the context of Industry 4.0, funded by German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (now: German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action).